Compiz Ubuntu Beryl installation

This step-by-step tutorial explains how a user can install Compiz on Ubuntu. Compiz is a composite window manager that allows the Linux user to attain stunning, 3D desktop effects with their personal desktop environment, as can be seen in the example Ubuntu Beryl Cube effect.

The desktop effects are similar to those seen in Windows, but with the added power of OpenGL for smooth and visually impressive animations. It uses a graphical interface and is easy to navigate, making it an ideal tool for users looking to enhance their desktop experience. Some of the popular effects include the Cube, which allows users to rotate their desktop in a 3D space, and the wobbly windows effect, which adds a fun, jiggly motion to open windows when moved.

Compiz Ubuntu Beryl Cube

Ubuntu Compiz beryl cube
Ubuntu Compiz with a Beryl Cube in Action


It also supports advanced features like desktop cube navigation and real-time visualizations, which make it a versatile tool for customizing your Linux desktop environment.


  • Ubuntu Linux Operating system (20.04 or later recommended)
  • Graphics card with hardware acceleration
  • Optional: A system with multiple desktop environments (like GNOME or KDE) for better effects control

How to Install Compiz on Ubuntu

  1. Open a terminal window and type the following command to gain root access:
sudo -i
  1. Update your system to ensure you have the latest packages:
apt update && apt upgrade -y
  1. Install the software and its required packages:
sudo apt install compiz compizconfig-settings-manager compiz-plugins
  1. Once the installation is complete, you can start the program by using the following command:
compiz --replace
  1. If you want it to start automatically on login, you can add it to the startup applications by running:

Then, add compiz --replace as a startup application.

  1. To configure the desktop effects, open the CompizConfig Settings Manager (CCSM) from the applications menu:

In CCSM, you can customize your desktop effects like the Ubuntu cube, and other 3D effects such as wobbly windows, fading windows, and more. This tool provides a wide variety of plugins that let you adjust the behavior of each effect for a more personalized experience.

  1. Optional: You can further tweak graphical settings for improved performance by editing your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file:
sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf

Inside the file, add the following options under the Section "Device":

Option "AllowGLXWithComposite" "true"
Option "TripleBuffer" "true"
Option "AddARGBGLXVisuals" "true"

Save the file, then restart your X server by pressing Ctrl+Alt+Backspace (if enabled), or simply reboot your system. These settings ensure smoother visual effects and better OpenGL rendering performance.

Optimizing Your Compiz Experience

Once you have finished installing, there are many ways you can further optimize your system’s performance. One common adjustment is disabling some of the more resource-intensive effects if your computer has limited resources. In CCSM, you can selectively enable or disable various effects like the Expo effect (which allows you to see all open windows on the desktop at once) or the Cube effect (which lets you switch between workspaces by rotating a 3D cube).

For lower-end systems, you may want to consider reducing the number of active plugins and effects in use. The Window Decoration plugin and the Wobbly Windows plugin are some effects that may consume more CPU and GPU power, so if you notice a decrease in performance, try disabling them and see if performance improves.

Now You Can Enjoy Your Compiz 3D Effects!

To access settings, go to Applications -> System Tools -> CompizConfig Settings Manager (CCSM) where you can easily configure and enable various visual effects like the Cube, Expo, and others. You can also experiment with more advanced features like the Desktop Wall or the Ring Switcher to navigate your virtual desktops in a more intuitive way.

Bring whole new level of customization to your desktop, and with the many available effects, your Ubuntu experience will be more engaging and visually impressive. Have fun experimenting with the effects and enjoy your personalized, 3D Linux desktop environment!